On BBC News: April 16, 2024
April 16, 2024. Homepage of BBC.
What do we see? Two articles titled:
Lets see more from the article. Screenshot is from the very top.

Few questions:
- why does article on russia compare growth to the "advanced economies" and on China it just says "faster than expected"?
- why didn't BBC article provide for the reader basic info: size of the economies in question (UK, Germany, France and russia)?
- why didn't BBC article provide basical calculation if russia can catchup with the "advanced economies" based on the difference of the growth?
- "3.2% ... significantly more than the UK, France and Germany" why does this sentence has "significantly" in it without telling us growth rates for the "advanced economies" countries?
- how was russia growth was doing comparing to the "advanced economies" before 2022?
- how did russian economy dod in the previous year(2022) comparing the "advanced economies"?
- how does russian economy size compares to the combined power of the mentioned "advanced economies" that are allies?
Ok. Let's correct it for them.
Country | GDP in 2022 | Times larger than russian GDP |
United Kingdom | USD | |
Germany | USD | |
France | USD | |
russia | USD | - |
In 20202 total size of 3 "advanced economied" combined(UK, France, Germany) was USD, which was times larger than russian GDP at USD.
And here we are not even including other countries that are allies to UK, France and Germany (most of the EU). For comaprison, in 2022 the GDP of the EU was US which was times larger than russian GDP.
What does it mean? It means that the growth of russian economy is largely irrelevant. It is only a percentage of the combined economies for the Western countries.